Scarlet Nexus: Review
Scarlet Nexus has developed Bandai Namco Studios, responsible for Code Vein, and the project managers became Keita Jezuk (Keita Iizuka) and Kenji Anabuki (Kenji anabuki) who used to work on a series Tales of And, in particular, over Tales of Vesperia beloved by many . It is clear that the expectations from the game were increased. And in general they were justified.
Interesting universe
IN Scarlet Nexus We see a familiar picture for many games. Strange alien mutants attack people (they are called others here) who love to devour the brains, and the only defenders from them are psychonic fighters from a detachment of suppression of others (OPI). Only they can cope with aggressors with the help of their psychic abilities, so they constantly recruit talented psionics from all over the world. They all look like teenagers, because they take pills from aging, helping to maintain their skills longer.
Such abilities have learned to develop, acting on a special psionic hormone in the human brain. Therefore, almost most people have more or less pronounced psychic skills. And those who do not possess are called dummies. The authors also added elements of cyberpunk and anti-utopia-and as a result, it seems that the template SCI-Fi has turned into a really interesting setting, which the authors themselves call Breakpancom.
Two fascinating and different plot campaigns
At the start, we choose who to play for – for Yuito Sumergi, the new recruit of OPI, who is also the son of the head of government and the brother of the commander in chief, or for the already experienced cadet of the tsane Randall detachment. These are two different plot campaigns. At first, of course, a lot is repeated, but even general scenes (for example, the first attack of others that happened on the streets of the city) we see from different points of view. And in the future, approximately in similar situations, we hear other dialogs and get acquainted with other characters – Yuito and Kasane fall into different detachments of OPI to different commanders. Soon the main characters begin to cross quite tightly on the plot – to write letters to each other and go to tasks together.
And, of course, we also see this in different ways. The authors generally emphasize in every possible way that Yuito and Casana are not at each other. He, despite the hype, which immediately twists around the new recruit (still – relatives of such influential politicians!), tries to remain modest, kind and attentive. It is mainly emphasized, it is straightforward to rudeness and, it seems, is worried only about her half -sister Naomi.
As a result, the storylines of Yuito and Kasane at some point diverging radically-they find themselves on different sides of the barricades, if not more. But at the same time, it still remains that everything should end differently. It is not for nothing that at the very beginning of the game is the intrigue – Yuito recognizes in Casan a girl who, many years ago, when he was small, saved his life. But they are of the same age – how can this be?
In general, in history Scarlet Nexus Everything is so famously twisted into a ball of intrigues, unexpected events and questions that you stop paying attention to the template of some moves and characters. I just want to know how it will end.
For the same reason, you understand and accept the fact that this is not a game in an open world, but primarily a bright, twisted plot anime. Everything is subordinated to history, therefore there are not so many side tasks (although there are always additional classes), and they rarely allow us to run along the city streets.
Many different characters for communication
In addition to Yuito and Casane in Scarlet Nexus Full of other characters. Among them there are many combat comrades of the main characters with whom we interact quite tightly (including on the network), building relationships. Here, both flirting with gifts and purely practical benefits – the higher the level of connection with one or another character, the more cool its extrasensory abilities can be used in battle.
Yes, as I said, among the characters there are many template for anime (and not only) images. Immediately a merry-balagur appears;dissatisfied wrecking that sharpens the tooth on the heroes;an abrupt girl with pigtails;A childhood friend, friendship with which, it seems, is about to reborn into something more (she clearly wants it);secretly in love with Yuito Tikhonya, who speaks with such an animated aspiration (I played with Japanese voice acting, which I advise you!) that you are starting to wait for some hentane scene.
And there are a lot of banal pathos in dialogs. There are nonsense. For example, Yuito, in the plot, is experiencing a personal tragedy, but at the same time in the scenes and dialogues designed to pump contact with his partners, can be at ease of discussions with predictions, restaurants and fashion magazines. And even as if nothing had happened with a girl who seems to be in the camp of enemies, drinks tea with her and discusses how good she is that she cares about him.
This is not quite the fault of the scriptwriters – in theory, such scenes can not be launched precisely in this difficult period for Yuito. But still some are knocked out of the general rhythm and mood. From this point of view Scarlet Nexus inferior to the same Tales of Vesperia and some others Jrpg – there are non -trivial characters and better written dialogs. But a fresh game Bandai Namco Studios All the same, it takes its number of partners, how often we interact with them, how different they are, how many events are connected with them. It is still interesting to follow the relationships of heroes, especially if you love anime. Another thing is that it could be even better ..
Difficult and exciting battles
But what was clearly succeeded in Scarlet Nexus is the combat system. Fights take place in real time in the style of slasers, but we do not just score enemies with cold weapons (Yuito uses a big sword in close combat, and Tasane attacks with throwing daggers at a distance), but we are actively alternating the psychionic abilities of the heroes. Sometimes allies are issued according to the plot, but, as a rule, we ourselves choose the composition of the team and the one whose talents we will use in battle.
So, you can apply telepathy of the little colonel Luke to instantly teleport to the battlefield. This will help in situations where the monster closes the body with a metal obstacle as soon as we run up to it – he will not have time to react, and we will fall off his blows to vulnerable places. Other monsters know how to leave the shadow, hiding from sight – then it is better to borrow from that very Tikhoni in love her talent for foreboding, which will show all the hidden enemies. And if others are vulnerable to fire, then we take a childhood friend Pyrokinese.
There are many characters with talents – for all occasions. And our task is to alternate these abilities in time, given that they all work only for a limited time, and then reload. Therefore, it is important to interact with partners, strengthen the connection in order to increase the effectiveness of their skills.
Yuito and Casane use telekinesis, which allows them to throw in other objects from boxes and bicycles to cars and buses. The latter sometimes even succeeds in saddening to drive the military field and crush the evil.
There are special objects that cause increased damage – you can blow up a fuel truck, bring down the ceiling on the monsters or heat them with a construction hook, tear out and throw a pole or part of the wall. Often are used by QTE.
There is also an analogue of the regime of rage (“acceleration of the brain”), when all psionic talents work more efficiently and recharge faster. Moreover, you can go into the so -called “thought” in order to apply especially powerful damage. In fact, the psionic in this case is fighting in his own head.
The effectiveness of telekinesis, ordinary attacks and other actions that help in battle, we increase the learning and pumping of skills on the so -called brain map – with the receipt of new levels to this, respectively, the brain points.
Plus, of course, no one canceled the equipment that gives bonuses to strength, health, protection and so on. Additional cells for them need to be opened – the main characters do this by pumping the corresponding skills, and their partners need to give special devices. By the way, gifts, consumables, and equipment can not only be bought, but also exchange for the collected resources.
As a result, the battles are dynamic and difficult even at the usual level of complexity. And the bosses generally use unique tactics and change behavior – to win, you have to use almost all talents, mechanics and opportunities that Jrpg is not common. As well as the fact that you can engage in a grind, but not necessarily – here the player’s “skill” decides more.
The game looks like a cool drawn anime
Yes, in Scarlet Nexus The budget is felt. There is no super -warmed graphics, and instead of kinematographic videos, pictures are used. But they are well painted – at the level of high -quality anime. It is no coincidence that the series of the same name has already begun to be released.
The design of other. Describing these bouquets of flowers with female legs and other monsters not easy. The authors themselves say that they specially mixed organics and mechanics when creating other. But this was clearly not stopped – the fantasies of local artists would be envied by the authors Silent Hill.
It is clear that Scarlet Nexus Not the best jrpg in the world and she has its own problems. But the game also has enough arguments for me to recommend it to all fans of the genre and anime as a whole. And the main of these arguments is that in Scarlet Nexus Interesting to follow history. Not to mention the fact that it is represented by two plot campaigns – this is generally a rarity in the role genre.
Pros: A fascinating plot, divided into two campaigns for different heroes;many characters with whom you can communicate and interact;Interesting setting;In many ways, a unique combat system;extremely colorful monsters;chic art;expressive voice acting, especially in Japanese;The game is translated into Russian.
Cons: in the plot, characters and dialogues there are a lot of cliches and banal pathos;The camera when moving and in battles behaves not quite adequate.
Scarlet Nexus
The best comments
Chip? Oh no! Frequent attribute? Oh yes! And this is bad, because the “chip” fifs are minimal changes or the Korean MMORPG chip is Pay2win, this does not make these things good, common, but not good. Therefore, each time they will and need to poke it, indicating these cliches as a minus. Here is the stylistics of anime in the minuses yes, it would be strange, and here more than appropriate claims.
And it looked like a complaint about the absence of a Rusik.
Well, sorry then 🙂
It is strange, in my opinion, to write down the minuses of corridor locations. This is more Hack and Slash in the spirit of DMC, MGR, etc.D., not big jrpg.
By the way, I would still note a very interesting designed hub. When you give gifts to other members of the detachment, they appear in the hub, and the characters are not shy to interact with them (for example, if you give a game console one character, then it can sometimes be found against another character). Due to this, at the end of the game, the hub becomes very “alive”.
Amendment: This is Brainpunk, according to the studio. And I am inclined to agree with them. Great setting with an excellent lorus.
In general, in the history of Scarlet Nexus, everything is so dull twitched into a ball of intrigues, unexpected events and questions that you stop paying attention to the template of some moves and characters. I just want to know how it will end.
One of the strongest aspects of the game is the plot, it is really so well twisted and knows how to give a beautiful bream of the class “This is a turn, everything was wrong!”. And more than once, and not three.
Those who have already managed to feel this in Xenoblade, Xenogears, Ys, Atelier, Astral Chain, Nier – they will immediately understand what I mean.
If you love this, Velkam
They all look like teenagers, because they take pills from aging, helping to maintain their skills longer.
A very elegant explanation, in fact. Many there in 40-50 years, in fact. And it turns out a rather steep dissonance: Arashi, for example, looks like a teenager, with the voice of a teenager, is very lazy, like a teenager, but he says as a mature woman.
In addition to Yuito and Casane in Scarlet Nexus, there are a lot of other characters.
Very colorful castes of the game only go to hand, they are well spelled out.
Yes, as I said, among the characters there are many template for anime (and not only) images.
There are templates in all genres and cultures, just among the Japanese they are very bright and expressive, which is why they are more striking.
(I played with Japanese voice acting, which I advise you!)
Took place in English, because for me it is also a language training.
It is very difficult for me to hear Japanese speech and read English saba – I’m lost. Yes, and English dubbing, in fact, is very good, with the exception of individual replicas.
And there are a lot of banal pathos in dialogs.
Alas, yes. Fortunately, I am used to the abundance of pathos and a lot of talk about friendship.
Globally, this does not interfere with stories, you can simply accustom yourself to perceive it for granted.
The same manner of repeating thought for the interlocutor is a manifestation of politeness in Japan. If you listen to the interlocutor carefully, you briefly pronouncing his key thought.
But what was clearly succeeded in Scarlet Nexus is the combat system.
She is really awesome. Someone complains that the animation of the attack cannot be interrupted by evasion, but this makes you think more seriously on the battlefield. I was terribly visited by mechanics, somewhat reminiscent of Platinum Games.
Actively alternate the psionic abilities of heroes
I can’t immediately remember what it reminded me, but it is played gorgeous.
Very inventive and appropriately woven, I would say. I am not a fan of QTE in many other games, but here other QTE-shows with great pleasure.
The game looks like a cool drawn anime
The game has a very recognizable and expressive style. And the game looks like really a very cool and drawn anime film. I play on XSX – there at 95% of time it gives out the most honest 4K@60FPS with rare subsidies for resolution lowering.
Honestly – I trudge, very coolly dutted, Render licked.
If it helps someone-yes, it somewhat reminiscent of Astral Chain and a set.
Yes, yes. He was one of the Singling Poin.
And I also consider it a real crime not to mention the local awesome soundtrack. He immediately sunk into my soul. From the point of view of genres, this is a wild mixture of electronics, rock models, electronic rock, dub-step elements, as well as lounge motifs of varying degrees of renewal.
At the very beginning of the demo version, Scarlet Nexus met me with the Determination Overdrive track, it is also Grab Your Power by Yourself (apparently, the tracks are differently translated / adapted from Japanese: frequent phenomenon)-and immediately fell in love with her style.
Everything was even better on the release: melodically, inventive, bright and very diverse. Composers even manage to play a lot on dissonance (the track “Eliminate the Others”, sounding in heavy battles).
It is difficult to find a release where music would be so organic, beautiful and managed to sound great separately from the game.
P.S.: Incompatible Thoughs once reminded of soundtracks from different Tales of, Atelier, Ys, Trails of Cold Steel – everything is as I love.
Well, you literally complain about Japanese voice acting in a Japanese game 🙂
So Russian subtitles brought us so much, although, although more and more often happens, it does not stop delighting.
Put English, maybe it will be better perceived, there is no problem.
I went after Kisane, I will go to Yuito. The game is very highlighted by an interesting plot, worked out characters and a pleasant cheerful fighter. Only closer to the end there are a pair of locations that are felt protected, but this can be forgiven. The battles with the final bosses tried to diversify what a separate respect for. Definitely in the collection of favorite games and is a little surprised why not raisins.
Corridor Loki can still be remembered
For me this is a plus soon, t.To. I’m tired of open worlds and walking uselessly)
And here is the usually dense development and excellent design of these very corridors. Except, perhaps, the last two locations.
SCARLET Nexus passed.
My sincere and subjective 9.5 out of 10.
I didn’t even regret that I believed in Bandai Namco and this Title.
A little surprised why not raisins.
Me too. From me – definitely “raisins”.
And if you compare with their past project, whose name I constantly forget, it is generally a step forward space. There in the comments about the corridors write. Well corridors, yes corridors. Such a game, not vibrant, so to speak. I can’t honor the minus.
Yes, in this game the open world, on the contrary, would have played against the hero’s involvement in the process. There is a linear plot that drags you through all acts by a steam locomotive. Someone will like this, someone will prefer Open-Vorald, but such games also have the right to exist. And for them corridor locations (which are even sometimes repeated, t.To. Even in real life, we walk along the same streets, and in the game the places of action are localized mainly by the central streets) – this is a plus.
The game is more likely on hard 8.5-9 points out of 10.
There are holes in the plot with the same melons, where and why they disappeared ((or for Yuito will be explained, xs).
The phrase of Yuito at the end of many introduces into a stupor, it had to be translated differently, and even the truths surpassed the questions.
What is it with the data of Baby is not clear. It is very doubtful that the computer was so simply merged, in fact.
Not enough for NG+ additional complexity or postheim Hard Dange. For the fighting is very simple if you accept the fact that you will twist the combination of a combination of normally most of the time.
Normal level locations music. It would be desirable to tracks, as in a series of Tales – memorable, xD.
Talking with characters in the recreation phase sometimes very spoil the atmosphere. The simplest thing is that the whole plot drive disappears in the 10th phase of the rest while you are farming with relationships. Pure IMHO, here their jamb came out, as with an explanation after attacks, when, it seems, the Sopartians help her, and then you go to the cafe to communicate with them. But, from the Sorone talus, it looks even more or less.
Well, Last Danzh is already smelling of a trolling from developments. Already in Baby got situations when you are throwing the same packs for almost in a row (again, at the level of another), but then it was still not enough for the logic of the new supermidboss. Since the only adequate shades to the variety of enemies goes throughout the game.
If this part is well sold, then perhaps more money will be allocated to the sequel (or pound). More money in a plot-oriented game-perhaps there will be more symbolic setting.
In general, I almost passed Scarlet Nexus (12 phase), and I have already identified it on the list of my favorite games – I liked it so much.
I thought I did not notice this game at all. Well, at least the review came out.
Well, he sat at the start of sales for the game, took on pre-order, passed from Friday to this day for about 3-4 hours on weekdays and 5-6 on weekends. The rest of the games were made similarly.
In general, it is convenient to play without restriction on the platform and take the game where it will come out.
Now I will finish off one three hundred thousandth Bablog: Sakura Wars on PS5 (4 chapter), when I will have a TV and Hyperdimence Neptunia Re; Birth 3 on PS Vita (5 chapter) – from a road to work/on business, to just lying inbeds from fatigue after work.
And so – every year!
Well, no one has developed them and forced them, if there are side effects, then they should be of good quality, and not made on the dumps.
Choice for the player. IMHO, the developers do what many players are required of them, who give 500 hours of exciting staged gameplay (at half -price at a discount at the spring sale, and then they will spit). This has always been infuriated: the development of the budget is not rubber, but even release an excellent non-stop a hurricane plot action at 8 hours-they will not look at the quality and plunge that everything is very short, filling up with low grades, as it is now fashionable to do.
Sori, I have not read, I only pass, but if you are commendable then? What serious jambs are there? 10+ h. While he played, the best anime game is an eer, unless not?