Splatoon 3: Why Trickl?

Preface from the editor. With this material, we begin the experiment: now at Stopgame video reviews.ru will appear text versions – the same thoughts and content, but not with a video, but letters. It will come in handy if you prefer the text, not the video. This time everything went somewhat spontaneously, so the text version appeared later.https://betfredcasino.es/

We will immediately reveal the secret: Splatoon 3 – This Splatoon 2. Yes, slightly improved. Yes, with a new plot and the necessary corrections, but in general, this is the same second part. After all, she looks the same and it feels the same. Why then Nintendo asks for it $ 60 and sells it as a new game? Let’s try to figure it out.

Kalmarov universe

Briefly for those who are not in the subject. Splatoon – This is a whole franchise that Nintendo I presented in 2015 to WII U. Despite the total failure of the console, the game was able to survive and collect faithful fans around her. Her servers are still working, although now there is no rest there from the cheaters. Merch appeared, and “Big N” even organized several concerts with game idols. At Switch, the project received a second chance, although Splatoon 2 still resembled the first part. But over a few years, the developers were able to change it due to the lot of content, and then also a large plot DLC with octopuses released.

It was during this period that the franchise became recognizable. Now she could boast of not only figures, but also more massive concerts, musical discs, collages, quick -made noodles, ice cream, cool advertising and her own e -sports tournament. Yes, these games about cartoon squids have a tournament with cash prizes. Far from the International, but still. The last event, by the way, was held in November 2021 on the remote. It would seem, why now release a third part?

Well, they would have piled a global DLC with another plot and clothes on the sequel, and then they would sell its bucks for 30-40. They literally did this once in 2018 with Octo Expansion. But here you are Splatoon 3 for $ 60 and the feeling that somewhere you were a little deceived. At the moment, this is exactly what DLC. As with the previous part, it will turn into a full -fledged game of the year in 2 thanks to updates. But not now.

What is this basis to which the details necessary for the fullness will be attached? She is simple. There are two teams of four people who fight on one of 12 cards (some of the previous parts, by the way), imprisoned for different modes of the game. Your squid or octopus can paint the territory, including some vertical surfaces, turn into a floating shape and move with high speed only in its paint, because it gets in a stranger and loses health. All the modes of the game are built on these simplest mechanics. Now there are four of them: a regular battle for the area where the team is becoming the winner, two types of rating and private battle, where you can gather friends and knead against each other on any map and in any mode.

Reasons for fun

It is important that Splatoon remained as driven, chaotic and colorful as it was always. It is fun to spend time with friends, and with anyone. The entry threshold is low, no one is toxic in the rinks, since there is no voice chat in the game, and in general, gamers try to help each other. Especially in the ranking and PVE.

The most interesting thing is, of course, a rating. There are several different, so to say, disciplines: a place to (something similar to basketball), megakarp (where it is necessary to convey the goldfish to the enemy camp), the battle for the zone (the name speaks for itself) and the escort of the tower, which also needs to be taken to the enemy base. In fact, this is “Payload”. Adsche is going on in all rating modes, because they let players here who more or less mastered, well, well … this is still a rating. As in other network shooters, they relate to him seriously. All the modes are fun, but some global changes after the second part are practically not felt.

The developers have added new ulters and types of weapons, but the most global change is, perhaps, the command of the team. Now you appear not on your base, but outside the map, and before the start of the battle, you can indicate where to plant your squid. Other players see your cursor and are guided by it to jump yourself. This gives an advantage when painting a card. Now comrades know in advance where to run is not worth. The lobby has also changed. Now it is active-immediately with a shooting and fast food, where you can eat Nyamka for coupons and get some bonuses. And finally they brought normal timbilding, for which Nintendo Only three games were required ..

Even before the release, a trial allocation was held. This is an event where participants choose one of the three sides (there were two in the previous game) and beat on arenas, defending the honor of their team. Different buns falling for participation – the winning team, of course, gets more. A new three -color regime was added here, in which two playing detachments beat with the winning. In the center of the arena is a beacon that causes rain of the desired color.

The regime is cheerful, but it is available only once every few months. Well, or in a private battle with friends, it can be organized. By the way, Nintendo During the pandemic, she spent four additional ransomities in order to entertain people locked at home. By that time, active support Splatoon 2 has already been stopped, but resumed for these events. Such things.

There was a lot of customization in the game, which does not affect anything at all. Starting from banners and titles appearing in front of the battle, and ending with a personal cabinet, where you can fold the junk. It is bought for the in-game currency obtained in battles or PVE mode. For it, items are also available, which, unlike previous garbage, are very important. After all, they give your character perki that help in the network game.

Things and accessories are also swinging here, so you can assemble your own set here. But the weapon is now available only for licenses received in the ranking. By the way, if the game sees that you have preservations Splatoon 2, then immediately give you them. You can buy a gun that does not correspond to your level, and to use it calmly.

There are no microtransactions and combat gaps in the game. It is not necessary to throw real money into it, and this is perhaps one of the largest advantages of the entire series Splatoon. You buy once – and you get all future content for free. But these are clothes, weapons, cards, garbage for cosmetics and so on. And, and there was still the opportunity to review the fights you like and send them to friends.

What else to have fun?

It is worth mentioning the local Gwint, where you play a mixture of Tetris and a fight for the area. It is necessary to arrange cards with figures on the field so as to paint over a large area. Another luck – the pumped mode Salmon Run returned. This is PVE: a team of four people fights against a crowd of frantic fish with pans and produces golden eggs. It sounds simple, but in fact it is Vietnam, after which flashbacks will definitely be pursued by you. The brutal shoals of fry or several hard bosses can crawl to the shore, the water can arrive and decrease, and the basket where you need to fold the resulting caviar changes its location.

As in the previous parts, there is a single mode. Some levels in it are directly excellent. They are perfectly balanced, verified to the millimeter. And others to go boring. Another drawback of the campaign is that it is designed exclusively for fans, since the most important role in it is played by characters from previous games. And without a presentation, which, of course, is not here, many newcomers will not understand who all these people and what an awkward chief villain. Fans, most likely, will come in. There is a lot of fanservice, cool music, and in the end there is even a “this turn” about one of the main characters.

At the same time, the plot tells what happened to people on planet Earth. Yes, if suddenly someone does not know, Splatoon – This is a post -apocalypse. True, in order to find out, you need to go through absolutely all levels. A bunch of collection objects, notes, garbage for a cabinet, food coupons, cards and caviar are still scattered in the hub. If the script does not pull you into the jungle, then it is not necessary to go through all this. It is enough to collect the right amount of caviar to open the passage to the next zone.

The game has Russian localization. Names and names, of course, are adapted, as is often done in games Nintendo. A dude called in the English version Sheldon, we became Pushkin … Well, he sells guns. Harmony became Aktavia because it is an assets. And so on. In fairness, in the English version they also have no original names, because in the Japanese language many characters, even the main ones, are called generally differently.

The music was still good, because in the series she is given a lot of attention. During the battles, such a strong rock with squid vocal sounds a strong. But during the surcharges, a fatal electronics is already turned on performed by new idols. Actually, this was what happened before.

Obviously, fans have already bought Splatoon 3 And they are chopped out with might and main. But a person who is poorly familiar with the series will be incredible why this is a separate part, and not an addition. There is too little content for a new game: a couple of serious changes, gvint, interface has become more convenient, tib. Great, but on a full -fledged release by current standards does not pull. So while this is a “pass”-the new adventures of kalmariki boys are best taken to sell dollars for 30. Or wait at least a year, and only then start to roll.

Splatoon 3

The best comments

A strange structure of the review. It seems to me first I need to tell what kind of beast this is, but only then about the price and content.
And at first a huge block about the lack of differences with the 2nd part, and only then the answer to the question of what this is generally for the game is such.

But putting the rifster remaster remaster of the eggs was not enough)))
I agree that the differences in the tricel have to be sought with a magnifying glass, but IMHO is better than like everyone else – every year and even with donates.
It’s pointless to wait for the year, the game will not be cheaper, the maximum sale is, interesting – take it now, and on the other hand, as they said – the beginners will be norms, the rest who love the series – they will still buy where to go

Dear, remember Kulakov’s words. Do not look at the assessment, but at the review. Rusyev painted in sufficient detail, and in his eyes there are not enough innovations for “commendable”. I literally received answers to all the questions that I had when I looked at, for which I am grateful.

Well, no, Rusyaich is just understanding and in fact told everything, just the assessment turned out from the perspective of “Fullpraise is not worth it,” and this is somehow dishonest against the background. Either in all reviews the price affects the assessment, or does not affect anywhere

I don’t really agree with the assessment. Raids are not a sorcerer when each part is the same thing only in other decorations. Rusyaich himself says that new chips have already been brought in the 3rd, and according to the experience of the 2nd part there will be even more, a new plot, guns, so as for me, it deserves commendably.

first set Rusyich Diz. I really did not tell many changes and improvements, I didn’t say about the part of the new FICH, that the game began to work much better and faster because of working on Dvigl, I told almost nothing about the company, although there is an experience of Oktoexpspenshin and the plot C2. Even with the PSU, he was mistaken because he in the game is just free and the first sea season lasts until December, for example and these seasons for 3 months each announced 2 years in advance. FOR FREE. We worked well on the game and given the new content also the plot and support with free PSU for 2 years ahead, the game costs its money and can be called a trickel. Even as in the view, it suits fans and beginners: it’s serious, I can say as a fan sitting in an English -speaking fandom that for fans this is a suitable plot, pleasant new features and at least a large (given all the little things) updating the game compared to C2,And for beginners who only now want to roll into the game, this is the perfect entry point at which there is all the best that was before and a lot of new things, and given that the original and sequel is at least praise and a tricus that can really be called the best raftingIt should also be for a newcomer at least a boast. Where did the passage come from?

For the first time in many years, I want to put a “pass” to the Stopgame review.

I am not interested in the site as a communication platform, mostly I watch videos on YouTube. But I registered in order to draw the attention of the administration to the doubtfulness of this video and support the audience.

It is quite possible. you may not agree with the assessment and this is normal. You can not consider “amazing”, according to SG, you can adore the “passing” game or, on the contrary, and change these grades for yourself in places

Therefore, there is a text with argumentation in the video. Rusyich quite substantiated why he still believes that the rafting 3 looks like a “passage” – because while it looks like the DLC to the second part in terms of quantity and quality content, and if you immediately buy 3 part without the second, then everything is fine, but if you haveyou already have 2 part, then for now he would not recommend paying for Full Price for 3

I don’t have a switch (only an emulator on which the rafting does not make sense) and I can’t play myself and determine whether it is right or not. But as an ordinary viewer – he completely convinced me that so far the 3rd part looks pretty risemnyakovo compared to the second

That’s just the same and did not figure it out, because he did not name half of the changes, improvements and new. Even nothing about the altered muke, about the new ulters that replaced the old ones, and some familiar old ones have changed … if you understand the entire list of changes and improvements, with all the news, given the plot, which is much larger and more diverse than the plot of the two and octoexpenschens, taking into account new modes and new modes andGreat work on the old ones, given the new sidactics, given that they processed the engine and added the technology of monalites, thanks to which the game works much better and faster, and non -combination became better, also consider that they have already announced free support of the game for 2 years in advance and 8 free butterpers (andYes, they are in the game, and Vasya said that they are not), as well as the absence of Donat and Pay Tu Wine – then the game with all this deserves a new part and full prime. But Vasya did not figure out that I was depressing Rusyaic, I love with all my heart and respect me, since the time of his own channel and I always admired how he understood all the subtleties and trifles, but here … Seriously, Slot 3 for fans is at least laudableWork on their usual game plus all that new content, and for beginners who roll into the series only now this is an ultimatical amazing rafting.

Yes, an extremely stupid assessment and a very strange review. At least the alloys were diversified, new bosses were added to the Salmon of the Russian Academy of Sciences, not to mention new weapons and cards. But according to SG, it is better to lick some kind of garbage from head to toe than to give an adequate assessment of the project in which they do not understand

Well, the main question. Why are Nintendo games require some special attitude to themselves, that someone should not be visible to someone?

They did not leave. They were excluded from the list of parral imports, the office continues to work, and Eshop is disconnected due to the inability to conduct transactions, because Swift. There was a problem due to logistics of the supply of cartridges, but now this is better than.

I gave an example of how it is done in all network shooters. Balance of weapons, cards, perks and the rest of the like is done free of charge in regular updates. For this, a new license plate is not released and is not sold according to full prime. As well as changes to the engine for better performance are also made by global updates. There are enough examples of this too. And for this they do not let out a new license plate.

Nintendo could release a global update for Splatoon 2, where everything was overlooking everything, made a normal lobby, corrected the engine, added a new plot. But, she decided to sell this DLC for full prime.

Well, that is, you believe that that in ordinary network shooters is done within the framework of ordinary or seasonal free updates (renegading, changing the mechanic, adding new mechanics, chips to cards, changes to weapons, etc.D.), in this case costs $ 60? Once again-it is not for me to judge, of course, but in my opinion this is too much.

Take at least the same APEX. Each new season appears a new hero with his abilities. Every time a lot of weapons is overdue. Some even cartridges can change. Even the ultrases of heroes are balanced, buffat, debafat. Some changes make cards. Add new modes (albeit temporarily). Each time you get a lot of new content and really feel significant changes. And all this in the framework of free updates. In addition to these large renewal, small ones arrive with some changes in the balance. And no one for standard changes asks $ 60. And these are changes in the same type that are now in Splatoon 3. Moreover, APEX is generally free-to-Play. You can play it without investing, and you will receive such updates anyway.

Exactly. Fans are always looking for reasons to justify a very high price tag. I know that. I myself am a fanbo of many episodes, and often try to justify the high cost of some game. The same DREAD. Although deep down I understand that well, he does not stand his money. The same thing happens here and now. Standard renewal for all network jacks, fans are sold for a full price tag under the guise of a new game. Despite the fact that all this could be released in the framework of DLC for the second part.

This is not the first time that. And for some reason it concerns precisely the Nintendo games. There is a review of Metroid Samus Returns (textual truth), where the game also slapped passing, although inherently the game is good. Well, after reading this review, I personally passed the game until the comrade advised me to go through it all.

Well look. The game has always worked in stable 60FPS in battle without drawdowns. She also works now. The fact that the engine was sawn down to a more clear resolution. Well, this is like a third part. It is probably time to make at least some technical changes. Only for some reason, only only the third part came to them that it was worth making the game more comfortable. Hence the timbilding normal. Free Battlpass added? Wow, this is the innovation. Since the whole thing is tied to Splatnet, it is worth starting to pray so that they and microtransactions through mobile phones do not introduce. They can, after all, is very easy. So what to rejoice at?

Rearing some weapons? Well, the standard topic is also for almost all network jackals with continuations. It’s just granted. But the fact that there are only 5 new cards in the game, and 7 of the previous parts, it already somehow looks completely lazy. Well, new bosses and megaboss were added to Salmon Run. You really think that all this is drawn to a full -fledged game, and not to the addon level Octo Expansion? It’s not my business, of course, but I personally got the impression that I was deceived somewhere somewhere.

At the same time, I say in the review that “the fans have already bought the game, they will come in, they enjoy it. And for beginners, this is also a good option to roll into the series. But so far it does not pull on a full -fledged game after the second part “. The assessment is made here and now, and not an advance, due to the fact that “in the future in 2 years it will definitely be a third part”. I’m not saying that the game is bad. I play myself, I enjoy it myself. But if I bought it in a year and a half, I would have nothing to lose absolutely anything.

Relative to other Nintendo franchises with a minimum of 20 year-old Imoria, or even 30-35 in classic series, then yes, the 7-year-old series is relatively fresh yet

The strangest thing is that Batle 2042, which was not incurred at the start, received the same assessment as rafting 3, a passage

Yes, there seems to be something with the Apskyle picture and resolution and less than the load on performance, the monoliths stunned it just as in their qsensoblade 3 and it seems to be the news that they worked with this on the ransom of 3, and I can say that the game really looks better, clearer, physics of paint was prettier and at the same time the stable 60FPS in matches.

dude, you will only rush here. And you are quite normally answered with argumentation