Steelrising: to become a man

Admit it, missed good Solslowers? Blow further – Steelrising The lift does not apply to this. Although the developers took the formula for the first Dark Souls, spy some ideas from Bloodborne and put it all on the plot Detroit: Become Human. But on the way to the goal, two insurmountable obstacles stood: studio Spiders and its overwhelming ambitions.

What went wrong?

First, let’s talk about the plot. So, in the yard of the 18th century, Count Caliostro – Genius and Alchemik, got into confidence in Louis XVI. Using the achievements of the scientist Eugene de Vokanson, he created an army of automatons for the monarch, and they easily suppressed the Great French Revolution. Some dissatisfied people were sent to the Bastille, others were forced to sit at home. Shortly before that, the king transferred his wife Maria Antoinette to the Saint-Cloud castle and put a car named Egid, who could talk and make decisions. Being not enthusiastic about the acts of her husband, Maria Antoinette sent a mechanical bodyguard to Paris for de Wokanson to tell how to stop the automatons.

In general, the plot beats historical events. The designers tried and created the characters in the spirit of the era, and the scriptwriters even spent some real details-for example, the royal cache in the Tuilery and the dark-skinned activist-aristocrat Julien Raymond … True, he did not accept participation in the revolution, and what he does here, no longer beforeThe end is clear. But such trifles show how much the authors do not spit on the entourage they created. It’s a pity, only for entourage, for the plot is completely guessed closer to the middle. And the passage of the game, if not for additional activity, would take five hours from the force.

Saydkvests in Steelrising there is also, and, as often happens, some are even more interesting than the main task. And the ending depends on them partially. More precisely, what characters you will meet in the last location, and even the attitude towards you of some of them. The essence of the finale is almost no change, but at least there is variability. So, in side tasks, investigations should be carried out, palace intrigues, find the memories of some faces, then to save them. There is a small problem with these flashbacks: it is not known where to look for them at all. They are not shown by the compass, the characters do not say about them. Neither give a needle in a haystack.

This is a real mockery, because if you do not find memories, then the character cannot be saved. And if so, there will be no interesting plot information. So trample out street dirt and hope that somewhere around the bend a radiance flickens, which may well be a regular note. And it happens that they give you an order at the very beginning of the game, but you will be able to fulfill it only in the middle or at the end, since you simply cannot get into the desired area due to the lack of abilities from the egid. Everything is built on the standards of the genre. There is a gate? Wash through half the card and open them. Or look up-there will be a place where you can catch on a hook hook. Or a flimsy wall with a jerk somewhere nearby you can break.

Robot in the case

Important (and last) dignity Steelrising – combat system. She takes a lot from the first Dark Souls, And another drop from Bloodborne: instead of a roll of egida dashes. But its abilities directly depend on the weapon – one allows you to counterattack, the other is to parry or, conversely, apply a hail of powerful blows. There are light and heavy samples. So the choice directly depends on your game style. But here there is a nuance: at the very beginning, you will stumble on a chest with an ice musketon that will stay with your second weapon more than half of the game.

You see, the ice is without all the enemies of almost all the enemies, because of which they stand idols and do nothing. Even the bosses are not protected from this. Therefore, the most effective tactics is to freeze the enemy and blow him before blue. And where the ice does not work (although it happens rarely), grenades work well, of which in the inventory is always in abundance. There is no point in using them on ordinary enemies – they all understand the screws in two counts. If you do not get stuck in the details of the area, of course. However, other weapons will still have to use, and it is better to choose it carefully.

From the fan, for example, you can make a shield, because of which enemies lose their balance and open to strike. And spontaneous weapons allows you to counterattack. Yes, he has more stringent timings with him, but the game is more interesting and more dynamic battles. All tools for destroying opponents are allowed to pump using materials. They are sold in a local store, but there they are always in a cut. The heroine also changes the gear and pumps. Like in Dark Souls, This is done for souls, but everything is easier here: no need to monitor the weight of the equipment and the characteristics responsible for using something. Aegis from the start of all hands a craftswoman – carries any weight with him. Well, and the flask with the Estus also improves famous bonfires on the local analogues.

And here is a set of enemies in Steelrising It drives into longing for the third hour, for opponents are found the same, only operating different elements. Well, yes, improved robots come across with a new attack, but then they are repeated and almost never cause problems. If the heroine perishes, then either stuck in bumps, or crashing into the wall during Dash. To sweat and bleeding do not force the bosses on which spam with ice and grenades acts. In general, the combat system is pleasant, but disappointment causes too monotonous tootiary. Here to add types of opponents and balance weapons. At least an icy musket, because it is directly an imba. And now ..

It is time to burn!

For the most part Steelrising It turned out burdock. The first two or three hours is generally torture. Uniform locations are filled with the same type of enemies, killed by the same technique, under the constant rattle of metal. The city consists of eight regions, visually different from each other, but in each of them it is very easy to get lost. It is clear that before us is Paris of the 18th century, with old houses, mud underfoot, barricades and corpses. It’s not for long to hit for long, and then roam in a circle, trying to remember whether you were already here or not. Without a card you have to remember the area, and this is difficult.

Yes, in Dark Souls It is also easy to get lost, but the right path is always located by trial and error. And in Steelrising This does not work. Here the faithful road is only staggering along the same streets in search of the right turn. It comes to funny. There is some barricade through which the heroine seems to be jumping, but not. Here is an invisible wall, so, dear player, bypass this obstacle through half of the city. The game constantly stretches the passage of this technique.

The case is also aggravated by the fact that the heroine in the plot receives abilities, without which not to get into some places. Here I took an aegis hook-cat or jerk-and now it will be able to catch on some balcony or breaks the wall in the lane. In this case, a compass showing the location of the main and side tasks, now and then breaks. 70% of the passage you will be lost and shy away along the same streets and Garden Gardens. Probably at Spiders There is some kind of psychological trauma from the gardens, like Miyazaki from swamps. Otherwise such a number of fences from the bushes cannot be explained. In the last location, there is even an area of ​​”dofin labyrinth”!

Remember, we said that the game constantly teaches you to handle the gates correctly? The fact that they need to get to them in half a city and open on the other side? In general, there is a moment that breaks this condition for a damn mother. Here is the gate, and right behind them – Sidkvest. You can open them only on the back, even a lever for this is visible. But getting there for the time being is simply impossible. Only after passing part of the plot, the gates open themselves. For no reason. Without any explanation. Everything, dear, come in. And this happens in the game only once. This is a directly master class on the studio from the studio Spiders. Bravo.


It also gets the impression that Spiders Optimized Steelrising immediately under the 40th series RTX and processors i9. Otherwise, how to explain that with such a picture there are not enough 12 GB of video memory for maximum settings? On RTX 3060 C DLSS, the game does not even hold 60 frames, and this is in the resolution of Full HD. For interest, you can see how everything looks at AMD FSR. The soap is terrible. Mozolit eyes are how AI is trying to collect a picture at a pace. And why poke this technology here if it does not cope with the task? Reitresing also works somehow, with windows, where the heroine would have somehow been reflected, not so much. Some generally see only cubmas, or a picture that creates volume. But 12 gigs are not enough, yes.

On modern consoles, everything is much better: the frame rate is stable, and the picture is not such an echo. But now and then there is a torn animation, the characters soar above the ground with the bricks, some incomprehensible conflicts stick out out of the blue. As if some things here were done in a hurry and did not fight at all at all. Catcans look ridiculous, although they should be epic. Or here the eyelashes of some characters stick out through the skin. Yes, and facial animation raises questions: if spiders wanted to surpass Horizon Zero Dawn, then she did it great.

However, Steelrising You can’t call a completely empty. It is interesting to explore individual locations, especially Versailles. The palace would become even better if not for the labyrinth of the bushes. Saydkvests with court intrigues sometimes get fascinated more than the main plot. And the surroundings of Paris of the late XVIII century are recreated well.

If it were not for the architecture of levels, repulsing the desire to stagger around the city, the game could even be praised. It has interesting ideas, the spirit of adventure, a pleasant combat system, but all this breaks about game design. So the studio attempt Spiders To make a large work deserves an assessment of “Proproding”. On the other hand, the price of the novelty is penniless (at least on a PC), so you can still spend the evening or two after it.


The best comments

I don’t agree much to the review .

Firstly, there is much more references to real history. For example, the same quest of the count about his father is a reference to their real relationship.

Secondly, memories. For the main characters, they literally lie in the middle of the corridor of the leading to them, they almost miss them. The only memories that I missed were – girls, the inventor’s daughters and the first memory of the queen (for whom I just returned and picked up)

Third, “confusion” of the map. There is a funny moment, since my density for the game is exactly in the opposite – the map is the most corridor. In any case, you will reach the goal and only one path to it (therefore, I don’t understand how to miss the memories lying exactly in the middle of this path).

The real minus is the game design – parkour. It is broken and sometimes it’s not at all clear how you should come from point A to point B desp that this is the only way (hello linearity of the card) .

I can’t say anything about optimization and bugs, I played PS5 in performance and everything was normal (only models of enemies after death and trophies have been bugged, because of which even a week after the release, no one had platinum). But there is another interesting point – an exclusive addition to the consoles (on a PC it will be released in November). I think this is a slightly strange move to release a piece of the game as an addition immediately – a large location, new enemies, plot characters – there was a persistent feeling that they were simply cut out of the game, for sale, and since I didn’t notice this before, I didn’t notice this, I sin on a new publisher.

The main problem of the game is really the fault of the fault of the mentioned publisher – the price. The game should be released in the same price segment as the past games of spiders, all the more it will pass in 8 hours, but no – this is a complete ful -prime.

For the developments themselves, the game did not step forward or back compared to GreedFall – this is rather a step towards improving their combat mechanics, which was released in principle.

Regarding the game itself, I would still recommend trying it, but by discounts .

Thank you very much, but this is a really informative review

* Rusyaev calmly reads the text* time gone! *Rusyev calmly reads the text*

In general, the review did not shake my confidence that I will definitely play it. I’ll just wait for November to make the game complete on PC. As for the review, and this is not a stone in the garden, but simply observation – throughout the whole video I did not leave that exactly the same could be said about, for example, Bloodborne (with the exception of the variety of bestiaria, probably). The gate opens only after the plot action – please. Run and not understand in circles – it also happens (%; No. About the technical component, the same thing (in the entire life of the FROM games, it was somehow not particularly complained by patches, FPS drops, the lack of increased performance for PS4 PS and PS5, the network game is a murderer), with the difference that Steelriding has barely released, and I think they will correct. The design is good, I was sunk into my soul from the first announcement. Animation of people yes, it is flawed, but this is not fatal, in Gridfol, where there was an emphasis on dialogues and close -ups, it was the same, and in general you quickly stop paying attention to it, since the story there turned out to be really cool. It can be seen that the guys are trying, and I want to support this, so my choice is made.

Typical game from Spiders. no more nor less

How Rusyev strangles with:
And since the reviewer strangles, then in the comments and even more so you can.

I have not played yet, although I bought it and, now, I plan to get if I have time to finish Yakuza 0, but even the text of the review itself raises direct questions.
-First, where such hatred of spiders where? Yes, they make AA or, even, just and games, no roof blockbusters. The studio is not very large, but diligent and productive. Games are not perfect, but with each new, progress is visible (unlike games that make Kalypso Media, for example), both from the point of view of gameplay and its diversity, and from the point of view of setting setting and plots. And this is a neglect in the beginning straight meh. Fu is so, Vasily.
-Secondly, it was very warmed about “memories and additional content are not marked on the map and have to run and look for everything yourself”. Rather, well, I agree that it should be noted. But this is the SG team for three years by vying repeating that “uuu, terrible signs of the issue and additional activity of which are filled with the whole map prevent the world from exploring the world and turning the process into methodical cleaning”. Once, hmm, not consistently. Of course, all reviews make different authors and each has their own opinion, but, simply, note that for a heap of people who complained about the lack of explining in AAA Games, this should be perceived as a plus.
-Thirdly, “over time, the egis receives new abilities that open up new ways on old locations”-this is not at all clear why it is a claim. This is a classic metroide. So that you run a little more locations, find, search for caches. Is it stuffy? Maybe. But this is a genre feature. Like, it is strange to come to the visual novel and complain that “all the time you have to read and sometimes recall huge areas”. Here is the same

About the claim for the gate to the Dopkvest.
That quest “Meeting with the Horsemen” in order to execute it must be reached the house of the disabled, kill the boss tower and free the Minister of Finance. And after the battle on the site of the cheat, there will be a passage to this dopquest and this gate.
The game apparently had fun and opened it in Rusyaich, considering that since he had fulfilled that main quest, he went out as it should – through this door, because it is a linear shortcut as a bowl after a boss on a common map.

The main problem of the game is really the fault of the fault of the mentioned publisher – the price. The game should be released in the same price segment as the past games of spiders, all the more it will pass in 8 hours, but no – this is a complete ful -prime.

But the game costs as much as Gridfol on the release – $ 50. Technomancer cost 45 and even of Orcs and Man – a magpie. And if you take a regional price in Steam, then the game is even cheaper than gridfol. So the claim is not very clear

I agree with you. The game is quite pleasant.
A lot of historical references, places and locations, clothes (recreated in the game very reverently and soundly).
Locations are diverse both externally and in filling. Some are light and spacious, while others are dark, narrow and sharpened for movement on roofs and through apartments.

The combat system and pumping are done well. Choose what to do and create a heroine to your taste.

Of the minuses, he noted for himself: invisible walls, a couple of times it was difficult to understand how to get to the right place, and once the heroine amused between objects.

I’m not a big specialist in Souls games, but the game pleased me. For me, she is “boasted”, but not like a “pass”.

Vasily Rusyev – soon the author of each video review on SG. Well, Loev is still wandering nearby.

I didn’t really wait for the game, but, surprisingly, I am surprised by their combat system. It looks sound when compared with the same vampire from Dontnoda. I wonder what is the duration?

I don’t think there is some secret lies here. Games are covered by video reviews on SG in two cases-the game is really large, or one of the authors who are engaged in video materials (thus Vasya Halper Vaughn made a rather niche Tormented Souls). I suspect that Remnant, that Steelrising does not fall under the first option, and with the second Steelrising was lucky, remnant – no.

“Over time, Aegis receives new abilities that open up new ways on old locations” – it is even more strange to hear these words as a claim from a person who makes an IP in a metroide

In general, there is no sense, after the ending, you cannot continue to play. Therefore, I myself plan to return to finish Achovka in half a year-a year: maybe during this time “new game +” will be added, the bugs will be seasoned and some other content will be taken.

As a person who played, in principle, I also agree with the written. And what kind of DLC there are on consoles, you can clarify? Otherwise I have a PC version.

Thank you, and there you can play after the finals at all? And then for the sake of one DLC I may not return in the near future.

There is no point in arguing on this score, but I still correct, so that the facts remain facts. Gridfol (like all their previous games) was published by Focus Home, they changed the publisher only now. 40+ dollars cost both the technomancer and the Bound by Flame, and even, as I already wrote, of Orcs and Men. So since 2012, they raised the price only $ 10, which completely reflects the increased level of the studio itself. Already Gridfol could be called an almost decent game, has not yet played style, but average reviews are at about the same level.

Share an inside: why there was no beltnant video review on Stopheim? Mediocre ups are overgrown, but laudable – no. Abidna.

Secrets of Cagliostro – on the PC will be released in November. Adds the location of the “psychiatric hospital”, enemies and a small quest with a new giant in the final. Probably in an hour you can calmly go (if not faster). It does not give anything significantly new for the main story

By the way, I have a funny situation. I turned on this help mode not so much to play with it, but just because of curiosity. Recently passed the Axiom Verge 2, there was the same thing. And I immediately blocked the achievements simply because I left the option on at the start, but did not use help. Apparently, an occasion to get achievements later, just when the addition comes out and the game will be aside as much as possible. Thanks for the answers)